aura-chic's Diaryland Diary


The Holidays

A few nights ago someone set a fire in the box warehouse, which is on the second floor of the plant.. I usually have to walk through there to get to my office. Lately I have not, seeing as my sister's car has died and we share my car. So I get to park on the truck yard now. Anyway things at the plant have been hectic as they are trying to figure out who set the fire. ID's are being checked more closely, and sheriffs are there nightly.. not just the "pork" police or special police as they like to be called.

I have to work on Thanksgiving night.. and probably the night before, so that means I will not be partaking in the family dinner. I also won't get to see my mother, she has to work too. It sucks, I'm tired of working for a company that is so greedy it can't shut down for important holidays. We'll be working Christmas too.. the rest of the plant won't be working.. just Shipping, Billing and Transportation. All those people who won't get to be with their families. The truckers who will be miles away from their loved ones, all so the rest of the world can have their pork product. I guess some would say no one is twisting our arms to be there. In a way they are, we can't just leave a decent paying job, not and live. ~sigh~ oh well..

My birthday is coming up... I hope to celebrate it this year... since I didn't last year. and that was supposed to be the "big celebration" you know the 21st. I want to spend it with one person.. and hopefully that will work out.. that's all from me...

4:16 p.m. - 2003-11-19


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