aura-chic's Diaryland Diary


same shit different day

The last couple of weeks have been fucked up at work.. the lack of intelligence is amazing... how in the hell someone "cannot" find a 53' trailer is beyond me.. it's big.. it's shiny and it has a bunch of numbers on it... not to mention the name of the company right there on the side... I mean shit... and people think that calling the billing office every 10 fucking minutes will somehow make billing faster.. I told the woman at the truck gate that if she would quit bothering me I would have had the load in Transportation by now... it doesn't help that Shipping is calling us telling us to drop everything we have on our desks and "bill out this load" well dammit everything on my desk you've said that about.. which is more important... fuckers.. and the sanitation crew has walked out twice in a week because they keep firing the supervisors.. but they don't wait til after the floor has been released.. NO.. they do it before cleaning begins.. so we lose about 75,000 dollars because of down time..

I'm just glad I have some days off. but they keep trying to call me in... like I'm dumb enough to answer the phone.. ha..

Things are going well other than that.. the soon to be former cop and I are doing alright.. things have smoothed over... and maybe it will last maybe not..we'll see. We never fight... but the stress of our jobs and the amount of time we spend apart makes things rough.. doesn't give us much to work with as far as having and keeping a relationship.. hopefully we can work it out.

Well it's cold here. Very cold.. I think I will crawl under the covers and sleep.. or maybe even go do what I should be doing.. Christmas shopping. sounds like fun (not)...

9:39 a.m. - 2003-11-16


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