aura-chic's Diaryland Diary


random shit

Apparently I'm ghetto... or so I'm told.. ok not exactly ghetto.. but my whiteness is in question. haha.... and not just once.. see the office I work in I'm lacking the most pigment.. and I'm pretty tanned...(I have that "good" skin.. that gets real well one of the girls that works in shipping came up to help us out one night.. and I'm usually havin a good time with the women in the office.. I don't have a hard time fitting in because I love everybody.. :D I'm happy like that.. if you are a cool person then "you is cool" so my crew leader was bustin on this woman that works the day shift.. because she is a slack ass bitch... she's ok(to me cuz I'm white)... but she acts like she's better than everybody because she's white and she used to fuck her boss before he got fired and she got a big DEMOTION.. so anyway my crew leader was bustin on her, and she was talking about how the woman won't say like 2 words to her, ok so she slipped up and all I heard when I was walking by was "cuz she's white" and she said to me no offense, and the girl from shipping raised her hand to my crew leader to shush her before lookin at me and sayin You're WHITE? I fell out laughin and said.. OOOOOOO y'all could tell??? and that got the office laughing.. apparently no one there thinks of me as a white woman... it's nice to know that I'm considered one of them... that girl was like.. she sure as hell don't act like no white I was laughin like hell and on the SAME damn night.. a girl that works downstairs in my sisters department asked her, are you SURE your sister is white? I think it's funny as hell playin like that.. but there are some fuckin racist people that work up in that place... and it really fucking bothers me.. you'd think because there was such a mix of different races that work at that plant that people wouldn't be so fuckin triflin.. see.. I see people for who they are.. not how dark their skin is, or where they came from.. if I like you as a person, that's all that matters.. but yeah I find it funny as hell bein called "ghetto" sometimes I just can't help it.. that was my public service announcement for the night.. racism is bad mmmmmkay..

on a different note, I'm trying to stay awake because I have to pick my sister up in like 4 hours... I can already tell that this whole one car thing is going to be difficult.. if my car can cooperate *knocks loudly on wood* we'll get through it.. I know my sister is really struggling with this.. and I understand how she's feeling.. I didn't have a car for like 7 months once and I was MISERABLE I felt stranded... even if I didn't want to go anywhere.. I still NEEDED that car.. you know? well.. I also must seem like a real cold heartless bitch about the car thing.. my sister had to go on the yard to find a driver.. but I wouldn't let her take my car.. it must have seemed bitchy.. but there are several reasons why I didn't.. one.. I barely had any gas in the car.. two... I don't have collision insurance, and my car is NOT paid for. three... the plant does not accept responsibility for damage to cars on the yard, and the spotters (small trucks that haul the trailers to the scales and to the doors they need to be in) they drive like idiots out there.... they don't stop for anything, and they never watch where they are goin.. and if my car gets fucked up, I'M TOTALLY FUCKED with having to pay the car off AND buy a new one. and my supervisor heard me say I didn't want her to take it out there.. and she was like yeah well she could say you have to walk through the plant and I looked at her and said if I do she'll have to... that's MY car, I don't mind walking through the plant. And she sure as hell didn't say anything else. I don't mean to be a bitch to my sister... but right now that's our only means of transportation.. so I feel I have to be protective of it. extremely protective.. or we are up shit creek without a paddle. (dearest sister, you know I don't mind driving you anywhere you need to go, and I don't mind you taking my car when I don't need it, I'm just venting.) well thats all I had to say...its hard as hell to type while holdin a cute but mischievious fluffy grey kitty... she's so cute.....

2:42 a.m. - 2003-10-20


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