aura-chic's Diaryland Diary


I'm really fuckin tired y'all...

I realized the other day I could possibly be classified as a disgruntled employee. As opposed to just a gruntled one.. haha.. No really.. when you find yourself weighing your options while you hike through the parking lot, options such as.. stepping out onto the busy highway, hanging yourself with your shoe strings in the bathroom, slitting your wrists with a plastic knife that you bring to eat your dinner with... or walking in with an automatic weapon and taking aim. Okay so I wouldn't really do the last one.. but the other ones do sound rather good.. Maybe I shouldn't have hated my job so much at first.. My main reason for not liking it was because it wasn't a challenge, it was 12 long boring hours that I sat and billed out about one load of pork product an hour.. NOW on the other hand I'm billing out 30 to 40 loads a night... I usually have anywhere from 8 to 10 loads on my desk at a time.. See we are in our "busy season" now, and we are also short 2 clerks.. so it's just 3 of us in there.. and it amazes me to no end that I'm still relatively new, and I am billing out more shit than the people that have been there for years... actually no.. it pisses me off... Laziness is something I can't tolerate at work. I guess the funniest part of it is the fact that I am also the only smoker in the office and yes.. I do leave my desk for about one smoke every few hours... I should be sleeping for work as I type.. but obviously I'm not.. I'm going to be bitchy as hell... I WAS sleeping this morning.. everytime I fell asleep my sister would call from work to chat.. fine.. I went back to sleep and had a good sleep going.. until she called to say she had a flat tire.. but she managed to get to a tire place to get a new one.. so she got the tire put on.. and called me AGAIN while there... at this point I'm getting cranky.. I'm the type of person that when I am awakened I have a hard time falling back asleep.. so I try and it takes me about 20 minutes.. then she calls again.. this time.. she is stranded... her car is about 2 seconds from going up in flames... yep.. so that was it for me.. once I walked out into the bright sunshine sleep mode was gone.. so I get her home... and she passes out the couch THAT I was trying to sleep on.. she called some one to tow her car and that was about it.. I am only slightly bitter.. because yes she worked last night and I didn't... but she only works 6 hrs tonight.. I work 12... and sweetie (my sister) I know you are reading this.. you better be on time to pick me up in the morning.. If I have to wait for you... I'll beat you like you was one of them kids from the House of Prayer. I ain't lyin. Because unlike you I have to work tomorrow night as well.. I'm about 5 minutes away from calling out.. that's how tired I am.. I also have a fucking headach from hell.

WOW this has been a huge long entry full of bitchin huh? Too fuckin bad... I'm gonna bitch as much as I want.. it's my fuckin diary.

In happier news.. I have a cell phone now.. so I won't be stranded in the middle of no where with no way to get help. Now people will be able to get in touch with me when I really don't want them to.. YAY.. lol..

1:36 p.m. - 2003-10-16


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