aura-chic's Diaryland Diary


blah, blah and more blah... SEX.... hahaha.. just kidding

I think I have discovered a certain problem with working nights... the sleep thing.. like for instance I had a day off.... want to know what I did? well even if you didn't I'll tell you anyway... Ok, so what did you do aura-chic? did you run errands? no?, enjoy the wonderful day by going outside, or spending it with loved ones? Nope.. how about sex did you have any of that? No I didn't unfortunately... I SLEPT... that's right I slept all day.. and followed that up by pickin my car up from my grandpa's house... seeing as he was working on it.. in his own words "I thought I was retired" teehee.. I guess not grandpa... Seeing as he loves us and all... and pretty much all of us.. except him and grandma, drive shit cars... ok mom's car isn't crap...

So no I haven't been having wild sex, or partying... or even doing ANYTHING... except working and sleeping... and Tuesday night I got asked out.. yes as in on a date by a fellow hog plant employee.. I'm still debating on whether not to go.. things with me and the donut whore, crackhead's nickname for him, haven't been exactly great.. I mean we aren't fighting or anything... things just aren't really serious, and don't seem to be headed in that direction.. he says that he isn't fucking anyone else...but I just don't believe him... so I'm not sure what to do.. the guy that asked me out seems pretty cool.. BUT this brings up a tough issue for me.. and my "I don't date people I work with" rule... makes things bad at work.. mainly for me because I'm one of those "space needers".. I don't quite know what made me that way... but I am.. I hate to be crowded... I guess I should hurry up and make up my mind on whether or not I should go out with that guy or not... I just don't want to make a huge mistake... and I mean we all know how I go out of my way to make the guy I'm fuckin happy... it's stupid really, isn't it? I mean he has no idea how happy I could make him... he's fuckin clueless as to what a kick ass girl I am... and he really insulted me the other night.. when he was talking about his moving plans... one of his reasons for going back west was.. the girls here are bitches. didn't even bother to say.. not including you, or most girls here... nothing like that.. it kinda pissed me off.. ok..really pissed me off... so what should I do? help.. Well my sister just got home.. I think I will get off tha 'net. and get some breakfast and sleep for a few hours before I have to go pick my check up from the hog plant...

7:02 a.m. - 2003-08-15


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