aura-chic's Diaryland Diary


Basking in the glow from my monitor.. lol

"I am the hottest bitch in here" (spoken with thick french accent) That phrase brought to you today by a former famous ballet dancer from Paris, currently working as a middle aged, gay Waiter at the OG, FRENCHIE!!! We all loved Frenchie... I'm not quite sure why I started to think about frenchie today.. maybe it's because I miss my old job and all my friends there.. I don't really have much to update about... I'm tired.. I spent one of my two days off sleeping.. DAMMIT I had so much I wanted to get done today. see what working nights will do to you.. and I need a drink... like as in likker.. yeah.. that stuff..but I probably won't have any.. because that would require going to the likker store to purchase some.. and I don't want to do that... I'm too fucking lazy.. so I will sit here at the house and dream about doing something fun.. YAY.. maybe that will satisfy me.. more than likely not.. we all know how I am... it's all about sex, alcohol, more sex... and chocolate.. hahahaha.. and occasionally I have to work.. you know.. have to have something to support those habits... sex can get expensive.. lmao.. just kidding.. but really it can.. like if you are "exclusive" with just one person it costs you money. unless you don't use protection, and the other person isn't picky about the clothing you have.. it's a real pain in the ass when someone suggests something you would "look good in" and this isn't even lingerie we're talking about.. it was suggested to me that I should wear a dress.. and I was like excuse me? um who are you talking to? so his response was.. you'd look "cute" in a dress... and I stopped right where I was.. and put my hand up, sayin you obviously don't know me.. cute??? cute?!!!! Aura-chic don't do cute! So guess what my punk ass went and did. yep you guessed it.. bought a dress.. I look like a fuckin moron in it.. like I said I don't do cute.. I'm a t shirt and jeans kinda girl all the way... dressing up for me is like putting on one of my light colored, low-cut shirts and my black sweater coat with jeans.. I mean really. I haven't really had a chance to wear it yet. And I'm dreading it when I do get a chance... ugh..

7:11 p.m. - 2003-08-07


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