aura-chic's Diaryland Diary


work sucks

I hate's official... now not only will I never get on a plane, but I will do my best to never have to set foot in an airport.. hell I don't even want to roll my tires through the roads of an airport.. fuckin bastards.. First I had to work Monday night.. but I had promised my sister that I would drive her to pick her friend up from the airport.. I know the way and exactly where we needed to go.. and I was afraid that though it is easy to get there, the traffic can sometimes be horrendous. Well the flight was supposed to come in at 3:40.. we rolled up into the air port at 3.... the flight had been delayed until 5... fine.. so we ate.. spent 10 dollars on a fuckin sandwich and chips..and a drink... so we got a pass to be able to wait at the gate for her... upon going through security we have to take our shoes off, and empty our pockets.. Of course I had to be wearing my jeans that have that cute little attached belt thing.. with a big round buckle part.. so it sets off the metal detector and I am escorted into the plexi glass room... and they used that wand thing.. whatever. I'm growing more and more pissed off by the second... then after they look up the legs of my pants... they made me lift up my shirt, AND undo my pants.. at this point I was prepared to sue the airport.. I am not lying.. you could tell as tight as my pants and shirt were that there was nothing but ME underneath them for one.. but I'm not exactly the type of girl who gets down with taking off my clothes in front of someone whose name I don't even know (not to mention an airport packed full of people) So at that point I needed to smoke... and I had left my smokes in the car thinking we wouldn't even be in there long enough to worry about it.. so I ended up spending like 5 bux on a pack, and then headed for the bar.. yes.. I wanted to get completely wasted.. but I only had a martini, and bailey's and coffee.. and trust me that's not even getting started for me... as I was carrying my drink to the table, a guy said to me "preflight jitters??" I was like oh no.. I'm not even getting on a plane.. I'm waiting for someone.. and we all laughed at me.. I told him I was pissed off that I had to undress for security over a fuckin belt buckle.. fuckers... I mean really if I was carrying something.. you WOULD have seen it through my clothes... ok so we are sitting in the bar.. checking on when the flight is going to come in, from time to time, we get up to leave to meet her at the gate "supposedly" and the fucking thing got cancelled.. so my poor sister's friend was stuck in NYC, alone and without enough money for the 240 dollar room they wanted her to pay for.. and poor me.. who had to drive like a crazy woman back home, stay long enough to drop my sister off, and then head to work... I was not happy.. so yesterday when I came home I pretty much collapsed.. I think I fell asleep sometime after 9 and stayed asleep til almost 7pm. I was little more alert last night than I was monday night.. thank god. because if I had had another fucked up, uncoordinated kinda night like that was, I would have either quit or gotten fired.. haha.. I couldn't even add.. with a calculator for cryin out loud.... ok.. I'm going to take my tired ass to bed.. YAY.. OH SHIT I had wanted to take my car to get it inspected today.. fuck fuck fuck.. fuck oh well.. lemme call around and see if I can get it done... fuck.. I need sleep..

8:17 a.m. - 2003-08-06


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