aura-chic's Diaryland Diary


can we say Aura-chic drives a mid 90's model P.O.S. (that would be, piece of shit))

Well hello readers.. Guess what? Can you? I'm sure you can! ahhh hell.. why don't I just go ahead and tell you... On Saturday night I drove up to Kinston to see my mom... my sister to follow up on Sunday morning, as she had obligations at home. So mom and I go out to my car.. tighten the ground on the starter so that I won't have the same problem again.. and I put on a new air filter. Spent time with mom, went with her to her doctor's appointment.. very cute young doctor too... hmmmmm ~drools~ dammit Aura-chic FOCUS... ok.. yeah so I had to come back to work on tuesday so I was planning on leaving early tuesday because I didn't have to be in until 3pm.. well My plan to get up and leave around 4am didn't work.. I was tired... or lazy.. or tired.. one of those two.. so when my sister woke me up at 8 to say she was leaving I said.. HOLD UP.. let's leave at the same time.. just in case one of us has car trouble.... so we fuel up.. and leave town... get about 20 miles out on highway 55... and I'm thinking to myself damn.. why is my car so fuckin hard to steer...kept swerving off to the right.. so... I try to ignore it... and then.. BAAAAAAAAAMMM.... ~insert fucked up noise here~ NOW I'm all over the damn place.. and come to the realization that my fuckin tire just blew up... and when I say blew up.. I MEAN IT... I got out to look at it.. that fuckin tire looked like someone had shredded it... no fuckin lie... nothin but steel wires and shredded burnt up rubber... so I go about tryin to jack this bitch of a car up.. BUT NO.. it's got to be sitting on the damn rim on a slanted road... so the damn thing was soooooooo low to the ground I couldn't raise the jack to do it... at this point I'm pissed.. and I do mean PISSED.. I'm cussin, my new jeans greasy and covered in dirt and grass stains.. my hands torn to shreds by the damn wires, and covered in brake dust and grime....~insert foul language now~ so... I attempt to jack the bitch up.. worrying about the fuckin spare that I have... I had previously noted upon taking it out of the trunk that it was just a WHOLE OTHER SIZE..... but I figured I could at least get it to the nearest town 5 miles up the road.... NO.. of course not.. had to be TWO sizes too big.. I mean what in the fuck is the point of that.. it's aiight though.. I mean.. the damn thing was probably dry rotted anyway.. seeing as it's been in that damn trunk since I bought the car.. and who knows when it was actually put there... so... right about the time I'm about to call the insurance company to report my car as stolen as I push it into a nearby field lighting it a'fire.... a nice deputy sheriff pulls up behind me and offers his help.. wtih his help we managed to get the busted tire off the car.. and it gave me time to nurse my wounds.. and I didn't even have to blow my car up.. so.. once we got the tire off... I put the busted tire in the back of my sisters car, and we drove to buy a new one... get this.. I pick the tire up and walk in with it... guess what I say to the guy... um.. hey.. uh.. I need a new tire... he looked at it.. and then at me and busted out laughing.. sayin.. yeah I'd say so... and I was like.. well.. you sure you can't just repair it.. that got another laugh out of the guy.. he asked if I was sure it didn't do any damage to the car... I was like.. yeah .. I'm sure... I hope.. I'm damn lucky I didn't warp my rim... because yes.. I had to get off the damn road.. and I was driving 70mph when the damn thing exploded.... so.. this has not been my week of good luck... I'm sure it will get worse... oh.. yes.. of course it will... I must have that damn bad luck cloud following me around... ok.. I've just gotten off of work.. and my eyelids feel like sandpaper... sleep is gooooooooooooooood...

2:02 a.m. - 2003-07-24


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