aura-chic's Diaryland Diary


I have no strength to even come up with a title for this crap

Well.. After talking to a few hog plant employees I have come to the conclusion that the damn plant is a fuckin soap opera. I mean really�.. As the snout turns� All my piglets� The days at the Hog Plant�. General Kill Floor�. I could go on and on� there are so many people fucking this person and that person and other people feel the need to talk about it� I finally got up and said that I�d rather not hear all that bullshit.. Luckily it�s no one in my office, well except for the older woman that does filing there because she can�t work the kill floor or shipping anymore (a pig carcass fell on her and fucked up her left side)� but anyway.. I had to get up out of there.. If it�s one thing I CAN�T fuckin stand it�s gossip� I REALLY REALLY don�t want to know who�s sleeping with who at the hog plant.. Ok enough of that.

I go on seriously fucked up shifts next week.. They�ve got me working 3:30 pm to midnight.. And I�m like well FUCK.. Now I really won�t be able to do anything after or before work� fuckers� this week I�m working 8am to 6pm�. Oh well.. The cop is going back to California for 10 days I think this week.. I didn�t pay too much attention to it� I don�t want him to go.. And I�m debating on sharing my feelings with him.. And whether or not it would influence his decision to move out there�. When we talked the other night, I asked him not to go, and he got really quiet and said why? And I think that was my �chance� but I totally blew it and said.. Uh.. �cause I�ll miss you� WTF is wrong with me????!!! I�m a dumbfuck that�s what�s wrong with me.. When we hung up I was like fuckity fuck fuck FUCK! And I proceeded to bang my head repeatedly against the wall�. He promised to call me back.. But I missed his call like the retard I am�.. So he probably thinks that I am mad at him� ~sighs~ I give up� ~slaps self in the head~

Nothing new� other than that.. Bleh�.

8:48 p.m. - 2003-07-15


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