aura-chic's Diaryland Diary


show me some love!

So it's Sunday, and I've been up for like 12 hours.. I really hate that. Normally, I would have woken up like oh.. 3 hours ago.. Sundays are the best days to sleep in.. I don't know why.. I think it has something to do with the fact that for a long time it was the day that me and my ex had all to ourselves.. I should hate them.. but it was the one day we were alone, we could sleep in, and then we'd spend the day doing various shit, but the cool thing was... it wasnt stuff that had to be done.. Oh well why the fuck am I talkin about that freak? I'll tell you why... every fuckin time I turn around something is there to remind me of him.. pictures, things he gave me, stuff we bought together that I ended up with, his birthday was last week, shit like that.. I opened my glove compartment to get my tire gauge thing, and this picture of us fell out.. I had completely forgotten about that picture being in existence... we were actually happy... he had said something to me, and I started laughing, and couldn't stop.. it was one of those rare pix of me.. ok.. whatever

Oh damn.. I think my sister's cat just tried to feel me up.. she put her paw in a very inappropriate place.. kind of scared me.. I mean.. I'm used to her laying on my chest and licking my lips.. but when her claws get that close to.. well.. you get the picture.. it just makes me a bit nervous.. lol..

Let's see. I've made an entry about my moron of an ex, getting felt up by a cat, what else can I put in here.. maybe something with actual humor goin on..... ok.. how about this.. go to this page and type in your url in the space.. it's kind of amusing.. at least when you're really bored.. I originally found that through Squirrelx's page. And since I'm linking to stuff.. Let's do another shout out.. 'cept I gotta list now.. I'd hate to leave anyone out... aiight.. here we go Crackboy, Hollyt, Proofrok, I'd link to my sister's page but she hasn't updated in forever tha bitch... Tha BEAN, and the hella cool Patty DAMN that was a lot of shout outs.. that was half my damn fave list.. hahahaha... ok.. if anyone else wants to get on my big ass shout out list.. you betta start showin me some love... LMAO..I'm such an attention whore...

6:27 p.m. - 2003-06-29


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