aura-chic's Diaryland Diary


YAY for bad credit

Ok so.. Not much going on here.. Once again I'm bored.. I have to tell a tale of stupidity though!! I recieved notification today that I had been approved for a $7500 credit card.. and I'm like WTF?????!!! I mean this is me we're talking about.. I'm so far in debt.. I think I owe like a thousand dollars for every year I've been alive.. and I've only had credit for like 3 years.. do the math.. I went a little overboard maxin out the plastic.. I mean it was all necessity really.. I had crappy cars.. and although on most stuff I did all the work.. I still had to buy hella expensive tools and stuff like transmissions.. radiators... axles.. the whole nine yards.. and then when I was still in college I hurt myself at work.. and couldn't work for a while.. so yeah.. I am in a lot of debt.. but I mean damn the ones that keep calling me are pissing me off.. It's like.. you've waiting this long.. wait a little longer.. it ain't gonna kill you!! And then I get a letter in the mail telling me how far behing I am on paying for my car. It's like... um I knew that.. shit... it's so fun being poor!!! People tell me to get a loan and pay some stuff off.. I'm like.. what good would that do me? Even if I could get a loan.. I wouldn't be getting out of debt.. I'd just be starting another one.. If I can just stick this out another 7 years.. without incurring anymore debt.. It'll be cleared from my record... but what fun is life without putting yourself further in debt??

Oh and by the way.. it's hotter than hell here.. I hate humidity.. It sucks.. heat doesn't bother me it's when it's so humid it's like walking into a wall when you go outside and you can't breathe that bothers me. So I'm sitting here sweating my ass off... I'm going to just melt into a pile of sweat shortly.. and I mean really there are only so many showers a person can take in one day.. I might as well just move into the bathtub... I spend most of my time there... I wouldn't have far to walk to take a piss.. Ok.. that's my entry for the day.... and sign something before you go... :D.. check out the pics.. I'll be adding more probably tonight..

6:15 p.m. - 2003-06-05


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