aura-chic's Diaryland Diary


one long ass entry...

It�s been an absolutely gorgeous day. Of course I missed most of it. I woke up this morning with all the warning signs of a migraine. I got up just long enough to realize that I didn�t feel like being awake, and crawled right back underneath the covers. A couple of hours later I dragged my sorry ass out of bed. And proceeded to do nothing but watch movies and make a couple of trips to the grocery store.. I really hate it when you get sent out for stuff, come home with it and find out you forgot something. Oh and sunlight is very bad when your head feels like it�s going to combust. It�s bad enough my eyes feel like they are going to pop out, but when it�s like this light makes me nauseous. People look at you funny when you wear sunglasses indoors. I think they suspect the worst. They give you that look of pity, thinking you must have a deformity, or bruise, or hell that you�re just crazy. Once I did that and got followed around the store, like I was someone important� now THAT was funny. Going to the store can be quite fun, when you�re up to being silly, you know, feeling up produce, playing bumper carts with a friend, better yet putting your fully grown friend in the cart. One day I was getting harassed, this freak kept asking my name, where I lived, how old I was, my number, if I had a boyfriend.. and repeatedly I shot him down, yet he still followed me around.. so what did I do?? I went to the health and beauty aisle, and began stocking up on tampons and diarrhea medication� mentioning that I had a problem and giving him full details on my tampon preference� The look on his face was priceless�. I couldn�t help laughing as I put it all back.. That works.. either that or just start talking about marriage and children. Well can we all agree that I�m a little strange now? I thought so. I decided to type this entry out in Microsoft Word, so that the Dland entry monster wouldn�t destroy it. Seems like every time I try to update, I either can�t, or it�s gets eaten. I click that little done button and my entry disappears. I should start some kind of missing entry support group. HAHA.. a home for run away entries. Does this happen to anyone else, or do my entries just suck so bad that this is some kind of divine intervention sparing you people the sucky-ness that is my diary??? Well either way, this is my diary after all.. and I should be allowed to suck just as bad or as good as I�d like.. I�m trying to get my scanner to work so I can add some more pics to the page.. I like the ones that are up.. but I guess I have to get around to taking at least one of them down.. I�m just feeling a bit too lazy to do it. I tried to work on it last night some, and every time I got to it, I got kicked off the internet.. REALLY pissed me off. I have to go through some old pics and see which ones are cute enough and interesting enough to put up.. I think my sister is going to bring her cat up this weekend.. and I will definitely get a pic of her.. we all love psycho kitty!! I can�t wait to see just how well her and my hamster get along.. I have a feeling I will be on Hamster protection duty all weekend!! Then again, psycho kitty doesn�t like to kill rodents, she likes to play.. she�ll drag mice around, and put em down just to chase them, and then she�ll move the entertainment to another part of the house.. I just think we will have to �cat proof� my room. Well this has been my long ass entry for the day.. have a great weekend every one!!!!

9:05 p.m. - 2003-06-06


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