aura-chic's Diaryland Diary


I finally know what I want to be now that I'm grown up...

well.. I was told a couple of days ago to update.. did I listen? no.. of course not.. when have I ever listened to anyone?? hahaha.. well lets see.. i have nothing to update about.. other than the fact that I have decided to go back to college.. but I'm changing things completely.. I will probably need none of the classes I have already taken.. which is fine.. I don't think I would have been happy in psychology or massage therapy.. I mean whiney people piss me off.. lol... I've decided to be a nurse.. I hope that I can do it. I know I can get through school for it, and I know that I want to work in a hospital, better pay.. weird hours.. but I like weird hours.. see I like being awake at night.. and that's perfect for me.. but I wonder if I can handle seeing people in pain.. I have this HUGE problem.. I can handle pain, I quite like pain in fact.. I'm so used to it.. but I can't stand to see others hurting.. like when my grandma, or my brother for that matter, had open heart surgery, I swear every time I saw that scar I'd double over in pain.. like my chest had been the one they hacked into... it was awful.. I asked my aunt (the one I used to live with, who is a nurse in a hospital) and she said that you get used to it after awhile, to where you aren't quite as affected by it all... physically anyway.. she said that you have to be careful not to get too attached to people though.. (she worked in a nursing home for a while when she was younger) I'm sure I will have lots of questions for her when I start out... well I have to go now.. i feel an urge to lay down.. there crackhead are you happy, I updated!! lol.. later...

5:08 a.m. - 2003-05-05


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