aura-chic's Diaryland Diary


what the hell am i doing up this early..

i cannot believe that i am up this early.. uuuuggggggggghhhhhhh. i slept for maybe an hour this morning.. my mom has a big job interview today.. but it's two hours away. my sister is riding with her.. but i woke up at 5 and no one was up.. and they had to leave by 5:30 this morning.. so me being the wonderful daughter i am i immediately jumped out of bed, proceeded to stumble over all the junk on my floor, finally made it to the door, and busted in my mom's room and scared the hell outta her.. but it's a good thing i did.. she doesn't have my knack for waking up 5 minutes before i have to leave somewhere and being able to shower and put on make up and clothes and leave the house on schedule.. which comes in handy when you're an alcoholic like i was back in the day.. i'm trying to recover it's been.. it's been 6 days since i have had a drink or taken a pill of any sort.. now i just smoke like a freight train.. and spend my days feeling disoriented.. lol.. being sober sucks. but back to the getting ready to leave the house.. when i had this guy live with me, the drunk junky who worked with me and was homeless so i put him up for a couple of months, i would wake up go get him up, and get him in the bathroom and then i'd sleep for another hour, wake up throw on my clothes and make up and fix my hair and i'd still have to wait for him... we always got a laugh out of that. but you see.. i was never late for work.. ever. i have a big thing about that. i hate to be late. it's almost a phobia... i panic. so i always show up for work at least 15 minutes before i have to be there.. well i am going to raleigh today, to fix my tag situation. i have to find my insurance bill because it has my policy number on it. that's the only number involving my car that i don't have memorized. i even have the vin number on my car memorized.. it's sad.. i'm pathetic. but i don't want to leave just yet. because if i leave now.. it will be 8 when i get there.. my uncle doesn't open up for business until 10.. i could visit with my friends.. or my aunt (sister of the guy making me do this crap) i lived with her for a while and i have been promising her that i would visit. but if she isn't working today she will sleep til at least nine. hell i guess i can go and just sit at my favorite little coffee house and jack myself up on caffeine.. cuz trust me i will need it.. i'm going to be so fuckin tired.. can we say cranky.. yes we can.. LOL.. ok.. i have to go throw some clothes on.. naked typing is good.. lol.. and put some make up on so i won't scare anyone when i get there.. oh wait.. someone i know will be up when i get there.. hmm.. booty call!! lol.. little early but that never stopped us before.. ok.. have a great day everyone.. i have a feeling i'm going to be stressed before i ever leave.. i'm baby sitting my niece.. you know the furry four legged relative i have that is so affectionately called psycho kitty.. or destructo kitty.. she's howling and trying to tear stuff up.. toodles!!

5:56 a.m. - 2003-03-12


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