aura-chic's Diaryland Diary


i'm at a lack for a creative title.

wow, i can't believe i actually had a completely good day at work.. the money still slightly sucked, but at least i had great customers today. i was in the smoking section. it always seems that smokers are laid back, and much more patient not to mention they are better tippers.. for some reason.. i have noticed that in my more than 3 years experience of waiting tables. and i got out of there pretty early even with all my sidework that had to be done.

in answer to the entry from zyphun_k, it's not that mom can't take charge of the house, its just that she has a hard time when it comes to hurting someones feelings. as i've explained, it's his fault that he got so well what ever he got, he already has a wife, and it's not fair to her or my mother. no matter if his wife is still overseas. it doesn't matter. and i'm just getting so sick of him being here. i want some peace and quiet. and he is loud and he just pisses me off. he is not my parent, yet he seems to want to take control of everything in our lives.. i hate that. this is my life and i will fuck it up just as much as i want to. and i don't need anyone's help to fuck it up. i can do that just fine on my own. as i have proven on many occasions. my point is, if i wanted his opinions on anything i'd ask for it. you, know? and he is just so loud, and he can't walk 6 feet to put his dirty clothes in the laundry basket, nooo, he has to leave them on the bathroom floor. our bathroom is small enough, and the last thing i want to see when i go in there is some man's dirty underwear. it's rude. now i am by no means a neat person, i like clutter and clutter likes me, but there is one place that i can't stand to see mess, and that's in the bathroom.. that is like the relaxation room for me.. i love nothing more than to take a hot shower or bath and calm myself down, and it is just not calming to me to see his crap all over the place. as well as the fact that he manages to get on our nerves more than anything else. neither one of us needs that right now. we have enough going on. i feel bad for my mother i really do, i wish that she didn't have to deal with it. and if he hangs around here much longer, i will tell him myself. i honestly will.. because i don't want her to have to fight this on her own.

well enough of me ranting. but he is here once again, so i'm pissed off. but i must go now. find something to occupy my time. toodles...

3:56 p.m. - 2003-02-25


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