aura-chic's Diaryland Diary


my job really sucks....

i noticed that i haven't updated for a couple of days or so.. i worked last night.. i should have been home around 11pm.. seeing as i went in at 4 i was the 2nd person in and the 2's are usually done taking tables at like 10 add in yer sidework, and that puts you at being home around 11.. weeeeeeelllllll, as i'm walking out the door, we get pummelled by these stoopid fucking highschool beauty queens.. as in the Miss Neuse pagaent.. um.. who in the hell would want to be Miss Neuse?? the Neuse river, (which is the nasty big ass river in these parts) is the dirtiest river in this state.. to give you a hint when our house flooded after hurricane Fran back in like 96, we had to get in the water to leave and shit like that.. well we all had to go down to the health department to get diptheria and tetnus (spelling?) shots.. that's how disgusting that river is.. not to mention all the tiny spiders that got into our clothing and attempted to eat the flesh off of our bodies.. but anyway back to the point.. so we get hit hard.. and i had to come back on to take ONE table so the manager said.. well 6 tables later, i'm still at work, and i only made like 11 dollars off of all 6 together.. and the reason i did that was i had one table that had nothing to do with these bitches.. and they left me 5.. sooo off of 5 tables full of bitches thinking they better than everybody else i got 6 dollars.. doesn't make any sense does it? didn't think so.. so i got home sometime around 2:30am.. and i had to go back at 10am.. I was incredibly pissed off.. and i still am.. but i've had a beer, and a really damn good sandwich from work.. they don't call it the Kickin Chicken for nothing.. damn that was spicy as hell.... but it was good.. so i'm feeling better about it all.. i would feel better if i hadn't worked 10 hours yesterday for 40 dollars.. but whatever.. i can't change it now.. i'm trying to pay my sister to come up and visit.. sad when you have to bribe family to come see yer ass.. well it ain't a bribe.. i's just helpin her with gas money since she has come up like the last three times.. you know we ain't exactly bein fair... but hey she gets more days off in a row then we do.. and what else does she really wanna do besides come see us? right girl? that's what i thought.. hahaha..ok well i must leave now.. i have to change clothes seein as i'm still in my work shirt and i have managed to splatter whatever the hell kinda sauce was on that chicken thing all over my self.. all i know is it's slightly orange in color.. something with cayenne pepper in it.. it was HOT.. but GOOD... LOL ok toodles... :)!!!

4:05 p.m. - 2003-02-23


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