aura-chic's Diaryland Diary


I've figured it out... I'm in hell.......

well i had a completely shitty day at work.. i had these bitches in there that come in to eat and expect to be out of there in like 20 minutes.. well if that's the kind of service you want.. go to a fast food restaurant.. normally it's ok, but the kitchen bombed. apparently someone didn't schedule enough cooks.. and we got hit with everything all at once.. so of course the five of them tipped me about a dollar and fifty cents.. when the rest of my guests saw and understood that it was out of my control.. and they were very nice about it.. but noooooooo not these bitches... and this is the second time that they have come in and this has happened.. so maybe i won't have to see them in there again.. and if i do, i'm not waiting on them... i refuse.. ok.. but anyway, then after i do the horrendous amounts of sidework, and leave, i make a trip to see that russian kid, because apparently he was wavering on his promise to me to drop the charges against the big russian guy.. i went over there fully prepared to beat him into submission.. but apparently the look on my face and clenched fists were enough to have him trembling in fear. so i asked him what the fuck was going on.. and told him that i don't like being lied to and i don't like surprises.. and he said that he is going to drop the charges and i said.. you had better because i'm in no mood to be lied to. then i ended up running him around for an hour.. like i really needed that.. but it gave me more time to get it across to him that he has more to fear from me than he does if the big guy gets hold of him.. see, he'll show some mercy, i won't.. i've been taught how to dispose of um certain large heavy things.. such as so with that taken care of.. i am home, and feeling like crap.. my back is still fucked up.. and it's getting worse.. the drugs that they gave me to relax my muscles aren't working anymore.. they are making me jumpy, and even more tense.. not to mention the fact that they are keeping me from sleeping.. the sad thing is.. i only took them the day that i came home from the hospital, and then took a dose last night when i went to sleep.. or tried to sleep anyway. and i have no more valiums.. dammit.. they work.. these damn things don't.. oh well.. guess i'm just gonna have to keep toughin it out.. but if i don't stop abusing my back (because of work) then it is never gonna stop hurting... i think i'm gonna watch some buffy episodes and drink a beer.. it's sad.. alcohol helps the relaxation process more than the expensive pills do.. so whats up with that.. spend a few bucks for some beer. or spend 50 dollars on a bottle of pills that actually make it worse... i think i should write to someone about that.. get a damn refund. and no in case you are wondering.. i do not mix the pills with alcohol.. i'm not that stupid..

5:27 p.m. - 2003-02-19


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