aura-chic's Diaryland Diary


Murder 1??? what??!!!

i start my job tomorrow... yay, woohoo, yippie, ok enough of that.. well though my mom decided to kick the russian guy out apparently she is still planning on seeing him from time to time.. i feel that this isn't a good idea. i packed up all his crap for her while she was at work, and well he comes over today, and he sees it, and asks why it's all packed up, and she was like, you said that you were gonna come pick up your stuff... well whatever. he was like no, blah blah blah, so as i stood there cleaning up the kitchen while they are hugging and kissing, i started making retching noises, and said loud enough to be heard, oh gag me with a large wooden spoon. it just pisses me off, because even though she says that he isn't going to be staying here, i just don't want him here. i am beginning to get very upset. i would like to spend some peaceful time in the apartment without having to see a very large unattractive man who has more hair on his body than a bear walk around without his shirt on. it makes me physically ill. i mean if i was seeing someone seriously, he wouldn't be walking around the house half naked, and he sure as hell wouldn't be telling me what to do, or what i can or can't eat, or any of that other shit. i mean the most i can tolerate seeing someone i'm dating is about 2 days and then it's get yer shit and go, i'll see you later. i mean yes the cop has been here once, and then he came by and missed us by about 5 minutes one day, i was mad about that shit, but anyway, i just can't handle someone being in my damn way all the time... like earlier today, i was holding the phone bill so i could see how much i have to pay of it, and he snatches the damn thing right out of my hand, and i was like oh excuse me, i guess i was done with that, and snatched it back.. i put it up and proceeded to give him once again my signiture look of disgust. and then i got online and talked to the cop and openly typed about how much i don't like this guy... i hope they both saw it. i tried my best to be nice to him, and to like him at first, now he's just a pest, and i can't stand to be around him. oh and earlier today, and when i say earlier, i mean at 7:30 this morning, the phone woke me up, and yet again it was a man that i can't stand. my ex step father. calling to talk to my mom.. it's like does he not get the picture. she divorced his ass, and yet he still has to talk to her everyday, and make her feel bad for leaving him. i try to explain to her that he is not her responsibility, and that if he wants to get so depressed that he tries to take his life with a dull butterknife that it's not her fault. i mean really... but i was nice to him anyway and held a conversation with the man for like 5 minutes without using the phrase "fuck you" which is like a damn miracle.. as my sister said, the pyramids have nothing on that shit. so anyway after he gave me a damn heartattack.. he said that he heard i was starting a new job TODAY, i was like, IS IT TUESDAY?? OH JEEEEEEEZZZZZUUUUUUUUUS.. and he was like no, it's monday, i was like damn let me pick myself up off of the floor now... that would just be my luck... first day on the job and my ass is late... lol... but anyway, yeah i was nice to him... i can't believe that shit.... so what is it with my mom's choice of men that i can't stand.. is it the fact that she manages to end up with a. assholes b. control freaks. or c. all of the above... yes folks thats right the answer is c. all of the above. i love my mom, i do, and i wish that she could find a good guy. but in the meantime, i'd rather not have to look at the bad ones.. i don't mean to be cold. really i don't. i love her, and i will be here for her whenever she may need me. oh and yes we can lump my father into both of the above catagories, and i'm sure we can add a few more to the list for him. i hate that bastard too, and if i could find a way to kill him and get away with it, i would. nothing would give me greater pleasure as a matter of fact. wait maybe i shouldn't say that, cuz watch just my luck someone, probably one of his 8 ex wives, WILL kill him, and they'll pin it on my ass, just for saying that. so this diary will be my downfall... dammit.... well whatever, i'm sure i can get an alibi... somebody will defend me... Bob from yesterday's entry will, he'll be like, yeah she was at my place last night, but he'll slip and add something like, yeah she came over late and had something like blood all over her, so i let her take a shower and change clothes... that would be my luck... sorry y'all, i need to give more thought to my planning... ok so i probably won't be killing anyone, but hey if i happen to be around when he has another heartattack, i'll just pretend i called an ambulance... that would be so much better... but with my luck he'd live... just like last time.. well anyway, i will now leave as this has been a thoroughly depressing entry.. unless you find this sick shit amusing, ok so who am i kidding, i do. well toodles!!!! :)

1:26 p.m. - 2003-02-03


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