aura-chic's Diaryland Diary



GUESS WHAT?? WHAT!... HAHAHA..OK. REALLY, I GOT A REAL JOB TODAY!!! ~DOING DANCE OF JOY~ I'M SOOOOOOOO HAPPY.... A REAL JOB... OK... SO IT'S JUST WAITING TABLES... BUT I LOVE WAITING TABLES... AND ANYONE THAT DOESN'T LIKE IT CAN KISS MY ASS!!!!! ok so you don't have to kiss my ass, it's just an expression... i already update once today you can find that by clicking here i hope i did that link right... if not, who f-in cares... i'm employed.. and it was a shitty entry anyway, it had an important message and all, but still... this is so much more exciting..

i'm glad my sister has finally updated.. not like she told me anything i didn't already know before reading that entry, still it's nice to see her take time out of her hectic schedule and jot something down for us. now i'm just waiting on a Ninabean entry, and a crackhead entry... hopefully those will come soon, but i'll understand if they don't update.. some people actually have lives.. unlike me.. but not for much longer... i am now respectfully employed, by a non phone sex company, and i can keep my car, and build a life from scratch... oh shit, i forgot about that part.. ok forget that last part, i'll just cling to the shreds of a life i have now... i'm too lazy to do more than that.. just kidding... i have to be at my new job at 7:30 in the morning on tuesday... yes that freakin early.. i hope these people aren't expecting me to look my normal gorgeous self... i keep that whole goddess look about me by sleeping until well into late morning/ early afternoon... ugh, i guess that is no more!!! the guy that hired me seemed oh so impressed by the fact that i had given them a resume on monday, and he happened to ask me if i had experience training new employees, and i said, why yes i do, i not only trained our new people, but i also did preliminary interviews to help weed out the good from the pathetic, you know me being the wonderful helper that i am... mainly the manager's just knew i was a picky bitch, and criticized peopled very much like a manager.. i'm usually a good judge of character, and work ethic, things like that.. and he said, well as soon as we get you out on the floor serving, i think we should look into training you to be a "corporate trainer" which would be me going to different restaurants training people... i was thinking "SWEET" but i said, that would be great... ahhhhh, the power of breasts... they have done me proud.. they're are doing their part in helping me to succeed.. i must treat them to something extra special soon... maybe a nice dinner, or a movie.. wait.. how about just some good "playtime" with a hot guy... yeah i think that would be better... ok.. i'm sure you were thinking that was too much information.. but you know... anyway, i'm going to get going now... have a wonderful day everyone..i'm sure i'll be writing more incoherent babble for ya to toodles!!! :)

4:11 p.m. - 2003-01-30


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