aura-chic's Diaryland Diary


3 days of freedom left....

HELLO EVERYONE!!!!! i am now just enjoying my last few days of freedom, i am anxious to start work, but i will do my best to relax and think happy thoughts before i start my job. my back seized up today while i was cleaning the kitchen. i think it is just trying to get me accustomed to the way it will feel when i start working again. when most people have back spasms they are usually in the lower back, but mine start right between my shoulder blades and work their way down... it comes from the tremedous amount of strain caused by carrying those stupid trays, it's sad that i haven't even started working and my back is already wussin out.. bastard.. i will have to have a long talk with it, you know the whole, if you wanna stay clothed and housed you better stop yer bitchin and go to work... the basics.. haha..

my mom has been really stressed out as of late, with the whole kickin the russian out and all, she feels bad that she has hurt his feelings.. my mom is altogether too sensitive a person, i'm thinking he should stop being a big baby and act like the grown man he is.. he called like 7 times yesterday and i repeatedly told him she was sleeping.. then he called her 3 times at work last night, if he keeps it up, she's gonna lose her job. and then i'll have to kill him. but anyway, mom never got her key back from him, and as i was sitting here watching the today show, he went around to the back door and commenced to using his key, no knock, no nothing, good thing i put the chain on the door last night... and he sat there trying to break the chain on the door, i was pissed at this point and i walked in the kitchen and kicked the door shut. so what did he do, he went to my mom's window and started pounding on it, so i went and woke her up, and told her that he was here, and what he had done, i wanted to call the cops, but what did she do, she got up and let him in... as if he hasn't caused her enough stress. so i got pissed off after a few minutes of listening to him repeat the same things over and over and over, the very things that she has already explained to him, so i went and laid back down, because i wanted to bitch slap his ass. and i was trying to stay out of it, but close enough to be able to help if she needed me to. well he had her in tears pretty soon, and then an hour later, she got pissed off, FINALLY, and told him that she was tired of explaining the same thing over and over to him... he isn't stupid, he is just acting like he is... and he's really pissing me off. he should be careful, we are armed.. and i'm not afraid to use it... i could claim temporary insanity, y'all would back me up right? haha... thanks! he kept asking mom who was going to take care of her when her back was hurting... and i'm thinking.. ok, i must not be a real person or anything.. he just assumes since i'm a woman, and i'm her "child" that i can't do anything to help.. well lemme tell him something.. dammit, i've been around my mother long enough to know when she's in pain, and what to do about it. and this "child" of hers is bigger than she is, taller by about 4 or 5 inches or so, and by no means weak. yes i can pick her up and carry her if i have to, yes i can cook and clean, and make life easier for her. i'm not stupid for cryin out loud. it's just insulting. arghhhhhhhhh... but anyway, i'm so sick of seein his big retarded ass... Lord knows i will be happy not to see him around here... i tried to be nice to him, and i tried to put up with the way he had to control everything around here, but i just can't. and i don't feel sorry for him at all, i just want him to go away. ok i'm done ranting

so anyway, only what 3 more days of freedom!! it's a great thing me having a job now, but it's also sad that i will probably not having any free time once i start this damn job. which is good in a way, because i so desperately need money, and it should be entertaining. at least it's a job i like doing. i get to run around all night acting like someones slave for them to leave me a few bucks on the table that they have completely destroyed... ahhhhhhh the joys of being a waitress.. but really it is fun. i really miss my co workers from the Olive Garden.. it was really hard when i showed up there last week, they offered me my job back, and i wanted to take it, but the drive would just beat my ass, so i had to say no, but i did tell them that if i moved closer i would come back so that made them happy. and it also made me feel good that they want me back... you know the whole oooOOOOOOOOOooo they're beggin me.. which they kinda were. i was like yeah i bet y'all regret lettin me leave.. yep shoulda offered me better hours, better sections, and all that.. it's not like they could have offered me more money, seeing as servers only make $2.13 an hour and they tax that to the point that you only get a stub at the end of the week telling you how many hours you worked. yep, we live off tips.. so next time you eat out, think about it. and that's state wide here in NC. i don't know what it is elsewhere.. but i'm going to look into it

i must go now, i have babbled on about pretty much nothing.. so buh bye everyone!! :)

1:52 p.m. - 2003-01-31


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