aura-chic's Diaryland Diary


D'OH (spoken Homer style)

well everyone... my sister has returned home safely, she is now going about her day, which from what she tells me involves laundry, dishes, and cleaning mouse turds out of the silverware drawer, apparently that foil she put over her silverware didn't stand up so well against the houseguest... so she is just going to take it out and wash everything and leave it in the strainer covered with a towel, i hope that works for her.. nothing like reaching for a fork to discover mouse droppings...YUCK!! and she can't use poison to get rid of them, cuz her nosy cat will eat it... and it's not like the cat will chase the mice, she's more interested in destroying my sister's house.. and flinging her cat poop all over the floor, apparently she will only use ONE spot in the HUGE litter box, so she gets in there and if my sister hasn't cleaned it after she goes, she just flings the stuff right onto the floor... i think this cat has some sort of mental disturbance...well anyway, we had a good time while she was here... hopefully soon we can all live together again.. that would be fun.. well the big russian guy is out... he still thinks that mom will take him back... that isn't going to happen.. and he kept saying that she never mentioned anything about wanting space or being alone, or anything like that...well that is bullshit, he just chose to act like he didn't understand.. you know selective hearing and shit. he had the impression that they were going to live as husband and wife.. um, i have one question.. how? isn't he already married? yes he is(ok so that was 2 questions, but i didn't ask you,so shhhh!).. what did he think that he could just have two wives, like my mom would actually go for that. yeah, right. i was reading through some entries, and i had said something about his wife, and i hope that it didn't come off as me being mean towards her.. i mean it's not her fault that he's an ass.. and what did he think just because she is muslim that he could just ditch her ass like that? that is just cruel... I hope that he treated her better than that, i mean it has to be a painful way to live for her... i mean so what if what he says is true about her religion, he said that the man could just throw her out whenever he was tired of her, and she couldn't do anything about it but leave without having time to collect her things. I have lived with a Turkish woman whom I adored.. and her husband was a true ass. he pretty much beat her within an inch of her life for trivial things. they were living in an apartment not too far from the NCState campus, where she was attending school, and she was reading the bible one night and he found her doing this. and well, i don't want to go into the details of that, but she knew us from the college group at church and she called us, so i went to pick her up, and she stayed with us. I don't know how it really is, all i know is how their relationship was, all i meant to say was that it isn't this woman's fault, meaning the russian's wife, she didn't make him like that, and i feel sorry for her, i think the way i phrased him needing to go back to her was maybe insulting, and i'm not usually one to apologize for what i say, but it did sound rather callous, and harsh, and i didn't mean it that way... i just meant that he is a dickhead, and i want him gone, that's all... and in a way i feel sorry that that is the kind of man she has to be married to... of course she doesn't have to stay with him, or maybe she does, i have no idea. so maybe i shouldn't talk about it. i just don't want anyone to think i'm racist, or prejudiced against anyone, i'm not, the only think i can't stand is stupidity, no matter the color of your skin, or preferences or whatever, and i feel like i have spoken like one of those that i truly despise, ugh, i am now apologizing to everyone, including myself.

ok this has turned out to be a rather serious entry, i didn't mean it to be, but as you may know i have a tendancy to sort of drone on and on about something til you guys just wanna shoot me, or close the window!! I really must go now, i have to call my hopefully future employers and see if they want me...dammit they better want me, they don't wanna piss me off... i mean it... i'll.... i'll... i'll... dammit i don't know what i'm gonna do, but i know it won't be pretty... ok...toodles everyone.. :)

1:40 p.m. - 2003-01-30


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