aura-chic's Diaryland Diary


something went boom......

well there's really nothing much going on here, other than the fact that a pharmacutical plant exploded today.. and it's only about 2 or 3 miles from my house... there's a huge cloud of black smoke coming up over the plant. and you can see it for almost 40 miles away. it's awful, and at the current time they haven't found out how many exactly are dead or injured, and they aren't really sure what happened, seeing as there are many conflicting reports. there are a few injured that are already at the local hopsitals, some have been transferred to the burn center at chapel hill, they don't know yet if it's chemical burns or not. but anyway, my sister is still here, she is staying for another night... hopefully she will get her new template tonight, then we'll both have really cool templates made by this cool guy i must make it known that my sister is a lightweight...hahahaha, i made her like 2 pretty weak drinks last night, a couple of my own creation, and she was out, i of course made my own pretty strong, and had a few more after she passed out, but i have that whole alcoholic thing going in my favor. she doesn't drink much so i suppose that i should give her a break...but i'd rather give her a hard time. so anyway we went to the neighboring "big city" around here, which is Goldsboro, in retrospect we should have gone to G Vegas, or Greenville for you non north carolinians, but anyway, we went to the mall... or what they call the mall, shit, it was pathetic... one really small bookstore, a JC Penney, a Belks and a couple of other things... it was just sad. that might be from me living in a place for 5 years that is within 30 minutes of 10 HUGE malls... so needless to say i wasn't impressed... I can't wait to move back to raleigh.... i even miss the horrendous traffic, I worked on the worst road in raleigh, it's affectionately known as crapital blvd. that really sucks when you have to drive to work in rush hour traffic, but just the same i loved it... ok i'm just babbling at this point... so i should probably go... I'm making absolutely no sense right now.... ok... toodles everyone... :)!!!!!

4:24 p.m. - 2003-01-29


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