aura-chic's Diaryland Diary


another long meaningless entry

I have absolutely nothing to say...but once again, i have said that before, and ended up boring y'all stoopid fer like 10 minutes or some shit.

well it's official, imma full time goddess...that's a lot to live up to. but i'll try.... THANKS AGAIN TO SIR ZYPHUN-K FOR THE OH SO KEWL LAYOUT!!!!!

i was supposed to be bringin my car back to my uncle today, and visiting the cop but i passed out and woke up some time around 5 this evening.. now that was some awesome sleep.. i have no idea what happened today seeing as i was completely out of it... i vaguely remember my mother trying to wake me up to tell me she had cooked something if i wanted to come eat, i just rolled over and went back to sleep... who cares about food when you can sleep? i know i don't. i suppose i should call the cop to apologize for not calling him earlier today... but i'm sure he'll get over it... i was tired...i'm sure he understands.... and i'm completely sure since he didn't have to work this morning he slept for a good part of the day...either that or he dedicated his free time to working out... i don't understand that at all, it's not like he NEEDS to... i mean damn. it's bad enough i gotta fight the women off as it is... that gets pretty old after a while...he doesn't have to make it worse... but anyway... i should be hearing back from my uncle soon..since i have no messages from him i will prolly be getting an email or somethin... i have no idea....maybe he will just give up and let me keep the car...haha....doubt it..but whatever..

you know i slept pretty much the whole day mainly because the big russian guy my mom has been seeing is always here... it's like he lives here now or some shit and it really pisses me off.. i get sooooooo tired of seeing him here.. i would like to wake up in the morning and not have to listen to his loud ass. and he has to take absolute control over everything that goes on. i am beginning this blood type diet thing...and while you people may think it sounds hokie or whatever it is actually supposed to help you stay healthy, because apparently their are certain foods that can be poisonous to different blood types... my doctor suggested this to me.. and while yes it does help weightloss that's not what it's all about..this is like a lifestyle change and shit. and seeing how i have had some pretty bad problems with my health over the past few years that people my age shouldn't have, not weight related, just typical things that happen to people as they get older, not stuff a 21 year old goes through. any way back to the whole point... since my mother and i are the same blood type we are gonna try this and see how we feel. well as soon as this guy hears this he is immediately tellin me that i needed to do this and that, and if i did exactly as he told me i would see results in like a month or some shit...and i looked at him as he's tellin me this shit, and it basically boiled down to me starving myself, not about being healthy, and i explained to him that i want to feel healthier not become a skeleton with eating disorders... i have a pretty healthy self image, and i am not gonna destroy that by letting this fucker tell me to starve myself..and i told him i didn't need him to take over my life, and if mom wanted to let him do that then she could that was her choice, but other than that, he could basically kiss my ass. it would be different if he was really just tryin to help...yeah he's tryin to help my ass right into my grave. and it's also a problem i have with him when my mom has hurt her back or something, i'm pretty skilled at helping her through it, because i'm used to it, he acts like only he knows what to do, and that i must stay out of his way and shit, well excuse me she's my mother dammit, and i will help her all i want to you cocksucker. don't piss me off when it comes to my mom. it's bad enough i can never spend time with her or hold a conversation with her because he always interrupts but dammit don't tell me to stay out of the way, when i have known her and what ails her a little longer than he has... she's been stuck with my happy ass fer about 21 years, well minus those few when i moved away, and i know what her pain levels are, and what she should and shouldn't do, and yes i realize she should quit her job, but he obviously doesn't know what i know.... she's STUBBORN, a lot like me..where the hell do you think i get it from asshole? damn. it just pisses me off beyond belief.... no offense guys, but i really hate living in the same house with this man... it's one thing if a guy can pick up after themselves, and not leave their underwear on the bathroom floor, or tell me what to do, if they can manage that then it's ok, i can deal with them. as it was when me and my ex lived together, i had to keep a separate residence... just so i could get away... see what i mean about not wantin to get but really our bathroom is small enough without his clothes being everywhere... i mean damn.... he uses my towel, or throws it down on the floor so he can put his towel on MY towel holder, it just pisses me off...whatever.... now that i'm all angry i'll change topics

my sister stood me up last night... on her nights off we always chat online at the same time...well there i am...dying to go to sleep so i can get up early this morning, waiting, and waiting... no sister.... i'm all hurt... so i keep checking back to see if she has gotten online... i get up today, and check my messages, and apparently she fell asleep and didn't get back up to talk to me...all that time i waited...and she was i wanted to be... it's nice to know who's more important in this relationship... sleep.. so sleep won out again...that bastard (sleep not my sis) lol... ok girl you know i'm just playin... I hope you enjoyed it...

ok i'm gonna go now... another long meaningless entry from me today... i really need to master the art of short and to the point... toodles!!!:)

6:12 p.m. - 2003-01-21


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