aura-chic's Diaryland Diary


where oh where has my towel gone

well folks i guess it's about time i updated....can't really tell the world about all the serious drama that is goin on in my world right now....but i can give y'all a little humor......

it starts out like this...i share a really small 2 bedroom apartment with my mom....(yeah yeah i hear y'all laffin...but ma's cool) and we have come to believe that the TINY bathroom was at one point a lie, you have to leave the room to change your it makes it worse when say um, er, mom has company....sorry my dear sis no other way to tell this starts out as me havin to hear things i really don't wanna hear, and then havin to wait extreme amounts of time to use the bathroom...the convenience store employees from down tha road are comin to expect me at about the same time every day... i always keep my towel hangin on the rack in the bathroom..logical place for it usually...well i like to take leisurely showers myself but i wait politely till everyone is passed out, or at work...well after i am done showerin i come to find *gasp* either my towel has been used or it has been removed from the area....i've come to believe that that particular rack is the bermuda triangle for here i am freezing, naked and wonderin what in the fuck happened to my towel...then it hits me, well damn that's cold, he used my towel....and i have to start bitchin...i mean wouldn't you???! so i venture out of the bathroom to find another towel, but it is always soooooo cold in the house that by the time i get back to the bathroom to dry off, all the water that was once so warm on my body, has frozen solid....*sigh* and i have already used all the hot water for the time i get to chisel myself off instead of dry myself off....i will never understand why it is so hard to GET YOUR OWN TOWEL instead of usin mine...i'm so used to it always bein there....washed and ready for me....*BIG sigh* i mean...ewwww usin someone elses towel...even if it is's like sharin germs or something...gross....i will now never be able to use MY towel again...i must find another towel with great soft fluffiness to rival the old one.....oh it's painful to break such a tradition.....let me *sigh* one more time..... ok enough of that....buh bye...ttfn!!!!! :)

8:01 p.m. - 2002-12-24


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