aura-chic's Diaryland Diary


megan and my sis's cat.....

well, i got to talkin with my best friend, the one who is gettin married to one of my ex boyfriends. she's gettin a new car cuz she totaled her old one. we had a ice/snow storm the first week or so of december, and she was drivin down the road and some guy turned left in front of her and instead of going forward he slid down the hill sideways and they kind of made a T shape....luckily she was alright minus the fact that the air bag just about knocked her senseless...and the back seats of her car hit her in the back of the head.... can we say whiplash boys and girls?? and her knees were all bruised up from hittin the steerin wheel...hehe, that's a new reason for her knees to be bruised.....well ne way she's been talkin bout wantin a new car, but this was a slightly drastic way of goin about it, and i told her this. so she's gettin a 2002 mitsubishi's bright red...can we say draw attention, she has enough speedin i guess she's gonna be ridin in style now that the 98 green escort is out of the i'm stuck with my beater of a car until someone decides to wreck it for me.....i beg people please hit my car please...j/k guess it's ok to joke about this since she's alright.... i felt really bad though because she was with out a car for so long, and stuck in the house and all.. i offered her mine since i never use it... but i don't think she really wanted

apparently my sister's cat has finally figured out that she is supposed to hunt the little mouse rather that look at it wonderin what it is...this is a new challenge for her...seein as she prefers her food already killed and processed. it may take a while but she might realize, hey i'm a cat, that's a mouse.....we're not supposed to be friends.....all the while my sister is screamin while standin on the with kitty just kind of bathin, ignorin the whole fiasco.........*sigh* i always miss the funny stuff. there is no one around to capture such a scene on sis also has a fear of spiders....accordin to her she saw a spider that had "twelve legs and a shadow in the dark" always miss this kind of shit...... oh well guess i should kind of walk away from the computer now.....if i'm not careful my ass will take on the shape of the computer chair.....*le sigh* hehehe...ttfn:)

3:25 a.m. - 2002-12-23


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