aura-chic's Diaryland Diary


Sqealing brakes are a bad thing...

Now that my sister is doing better, I have had a chance to rest..I called out of work last night.. or rather had her call out for me.. I spent all week working and making sure she was ok.. so I didn't sleep much and when I did I was sleeping in my contacts (not a good thing). Yesterday I just couldn't stand having them in anymore, and when I took them out I actually noticed how bad my eyes hurt.. so I left them out for a while, completely forgetting that I had to go pick up my paycheck... so I drove half blind with a searing headache... I was "driving from memory" so to speak... it's a good thing I live out in the country, not much traffic.... As I was driving to town to put my check in the bank... I happened to notice upon slamming on brakes as someone pulled out in front of me that I wasn't slowing down.. I repeatedly hit the brakes until miraculously my car sqealed to a stop.. WOW I had noticed that squealing noise for a while with out stopping to think that that was the "indicator" on the brake pads.. basically telling me "HEY JACKASS, REPLACE ME" so I called my Grandfather (before the race started) to see if he had a few minutes to help me out with it.. (I no longer have the tools or the lift to work on my car, my ex who by the way can't even change his own oil took them when we broke up) Well he was out for a bit and he called me back and was like.. ok what's wrong??? I couldn't help but laugh.. Just when he thought he was retired!!! lol.. poor guy.. he should have known that selling his shop, and "retiring" wouldn't be the end of it! All his children and grandchildren drive junk cars.. hey, it works when you have a reknowned mechanic in the family!! haha.. We chatted about my mom's most recent graceful move at work.. (I have decided instead of calling her Mom I'm calling her Grace) She and another manager at her job were carrying an entertainment center through the back room, you know one of those 200lb boxes, and the jackass guy had her backing up with the thing and didn't bother to tell her there was a ladder cart behind her, so her foot caught on it and she went spilling backwards and hit her head on the concrete floor. And to add insult to injury when she was trying to pick herself up she hit her forehead on the floor.. Then the asshole had the nerve to write her up (he's a higher up manager than she is) for it and make her go through these stupid safety training shit. What an asshole.. I plan on going into the store and saying a few choice words to him.. in other words he'll witness what a fuckin potty mouth I have. Fuckin cocksucker. Well anyway Mom stayed up all that night because her vision was a bit blurry, and she was wobbling around like a drunk person.. she was afraid she had a concussion.. so she finally went to the doctor.. turns out that yes she did have swelling and she cracked her skull... (the ongoing joke for Mom and Grandpa is that she has a really hard head, and she said when she got up she was looking for cracks in the floor) Other than that she is ok... and the fluid is draining properly.. so that is a good thing.. I must get back to cleaning the house.. I just spent the last 3 hrs cleaning.. I just have to vacuum the livingroom floor and finish the laundry.. this place looked like a tornado came through the house.. no lie.. it was a wreck... but it's better now.. YAY for me!

4:24 p.m. - 2003-09-13


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