aura-chic's Diaryland Diary


can't think of a title...

I'm sitting here all alone.. Singing the same song over and over.. It's a favorite of mine.. and It's been in my head for a while.. Some of you will have no idea what this song is or who the woman who sings it is. Sarah Brightman's Deliver Me. She has such a beautiful voice, and the song has a meaning to me. If you've ever heard it, you'll catch why I'm sure. It's so strange, the way I'm feeling. Only those close to me really know what's going on in my brain. And I'm wondering how I let this happen.. Ok.. I'll say it.. I think I have managed to let myself fall in love. It happened months ago, and I just kept refusing to believe it. The worst part about it? I have to just get over it and move on. Things will never work out. It's pointless to try. I still continue to see this person, knowing that it won't work. I haven't told him yet. I probably never will. I know that he will be a life long friend though. Maybe that's the hardest part about it. Oh well. I've honestly never known myself to feel so unglued. But I now know that it is possible for me to love someone in that way again. It's just kind of sad the way things are going. Well I didn't mean to depress everyone else.. I'm not even really depressed... just resigned.. It's actually a wonderful thing in a way.. I mean I know I'm capable of it now... and I'm not as cold hearted as I once thought.. So it does bring happiness to me. Ok.. back to the song now.. have a good night every one...

2:08 a.m. - 2003-06-03


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