aura-chic's Diaryland Diary


wow i finally got to update!

OMG!!! imagine, i clicked on add an entry and this time i actually get to do it.. i have been trying to update for a while now.. but to no avail.. and now all the brilliant things i had to say are gone.. dammit all to hell.

well let me see what has been going on? um, i am preparing to leave this job here in Kinston, and start working for the wonderful Olive Garden again. Darden Restaurants is the company that owns all OG's and Red Lobster's and Bahama Breeze's.. And it is possibly one of the best companies to work for. they actually care about their employees. you know just your basic treating everyone the way they want to be treated kinda thing.. i'm looking forward to be working for them again. and my sister has managed to get us tickets to go see Def Leppard in Raleigh on Apr. 18th. We're all excited!!!! this calls for much celebration!! and celebrate we will.. but it looks like i'm gonna be the one driving so i won't be doing much celebrating as far as the drinking. if it's one thing i dare not do it's driving drunk.. especially on a night that we will all be suspected of operating a motor vehicle under the influence if you know what i mean. so i will have to wait til we get a room or something.. then i'll get all shitfaced and woozy and begin visiting my old friend mr. cuervo!! speaking of i haven't had a drink in over a week. or taken anything stronger than advil for pain! by the way that coating on advil tastes really good.. i now spend my days suckin on advil like it's a delicious piece of candy.. yummmmm.. but i refuse to give up my other loves in this life.. you guessed it.. caffeine and nicotene.. and of course a certain activity!! lol.. hmm.. what else is goin on?? a lot actually and i can't think of all of it to put down.. but just you watch.. it will all come to me as soon as i post this and i won't be able to post again for another 3 days and i'll forget it all again.. OH YEAH saturday night at the restaurant i work in there was a fight and this guy got his ear bitten off!! it was gross! there's an article in the paper about it.. well that's one way to get free advertising.. but i doubt it's the kind they want!!haha.. all the regulars knew about it and that's all i've been hearing for the last few days.. man.. it was sad.. damn idiots.. can handle their likker without starting a fight.. weeeelllllll i suppose i should go now!

4:44 p.m. - 2003-03-17


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