aura-chic's Diaryland Diary



well.. it looks like i won't be returning to the olive garden for a while.. i called and talked to the general manager today, we've been buddies for a while now.. she said that she'd love to have me back, but that business has been really slack lately due to the economy.. and she would hate to see me drive that far only to not make very much money, but she did tell me she would call me back when business picked back up. so that was cool.. not to mention we had a rather lovely chat.. i miss talking to her.. she is such a great person. she is basically everything you could possibly hope for in a manager.. she's pretty strict as far as work but she is not only fun, but she will stand up for you no matter what.. i loved that.. unless you were just a shitty server she never took a customer's side over yours.. to their face she was all nice and sweet and tried to fix whatever it was they were bitchin about.. but when it came down to it she backed us up.. so anyway, i'm sad about that.. i'm looking for an overnight job somewhere close by.. i'm going to need to work 2 jobs to be able to live.. i'm not making much money at the restaurant i'm at.. but i'll figure something out. i can be resourceful. let's see, no other news really.. i slept for most of the day today.. YAY felt really damn good.. i think i'll go back and sleep some more too.. nothing like sleep.. ok.. have a great time everyone... i have one more day of freedom until i have to go back to work.. and i'm sure i'll be put right back into a shitty mood.. not to mention i'm all bummed out because of not goin back to the OG.. it's ok.. that just means that i have some more time to get up there and go out for drinks with the manager.. haha.. something we aren't allowed to do as employees.. ok toodles!!!! :)

4:38 p.m. - 2003-02-27


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