aura-chic's Diaryland Diary


i hate stupid bitches...

I have something to say.. ~shock~ "NO NOT YOU AURA-CHIC" ok, ok.. so i worked today.. and i HATE working sundays.. it's the crowd that bothers me.. i got lucky today and only had one crap table.. the church crowd usually gets on my nerves because they give off this, this... something.. like they are better than me because they just spent almost two hours listening to someone tell them that He loves you, and you are living your life in sin.. and yer a blah blah blah.. whatever.. while i'm trying to earn a few bucks to live, and i have to put up with these people to do it.. that some how makes me a terrible person because i don't go to church or whatever.. well i'm sorry i spent years going to church.. that wasn't forced by my parents, and i can say this i got absolutely nothing out of it.. i feel if yer gonna be spiritual you can do it on yer own time and let something other than some one else's opinion of you be your guide... and i've come to the conclusion that no matter how hard i try i DO NOT believe in God, or an afterlife. so there.. but that was off the topic a little.. so i get this couple and their baby, now, i love children i really do, but this baby was not only loud, but i've seen cuter babies born to circus freaks, well anyway, i greet them, get their drinks and their appetizer order.. bring out the app. and they say they want to wait a little bit for their salads.. so i say sure.. and i wait a few minutes and put the order in.. but at this point the kitchen was WAY backed up... so it took a little longer to get the damn salads out.. so i go back to tell them that it will be a few minutes... and i left.. came back to take their dirty dishes.. and the woman looks at me and very rudely says "um, can we get those salads today" and it was said in that tone of voice that the only thing i can hear is "will you please slap me because i'm an ignorant bitch" mind you the pigs had finished their appetizer about .002 seconds before saying that to me... stupid bitch.. and then remained pissy at me for the duration of their eating fest... and tipped me about 4% of their bills... fuckin losers... other than that, i managed to have a decent day, the rest of my customers were very nice.. and most of them tipped me decently to well... but i still couldn't forget that bitch and her ugly ass baby and her dumbass husband.. if i see her in there again, i'm gonna be sure to drop something messy right in her damn lap... fuck her... don't care if i get fired.. i'm not making enough money there anyway... i could go make more money working at the damn waffle house for cryin out loud... with less crap to have to do.... man, haven't people learned not to fuck with their waitresses.. hello? we handle yer food.. remember that.. sheesh... ok.. enough ranting from me.... buh bye!! :)

7:43 p.m. - 2003-02-16


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