aura-chic's Diaryland Diary


the worst night of phone ho'in

i have decided to tell y'all a little about the night i decided to quit being a phone sex girl.. if yer ready for this that is.... hahaha..

ok.. now i am a pretty kinky person, just to let you know, i will usually try most anything sexually.. but i do have boundaries.. some things just make me wanna vomit..and those things will be explained in this lovely entry.. oh and just to let you know, phone ho's are not allowed to discuss anything illegal, drugs, sex with minors, sex with animals, or give out any personal info, such as our numbers (as if) and no we cannot accept your number and call you at home.. well anyway, i will now proceed with the entry.

so my first call on this particular night seemed a basic run of the mill call, guy watching porn, panting while he plays with his chubby... so i'm talking to him, and he says that he likes shemales.. now this kinda repulsed me.. i happen to like women yes, but i don't go for the strap on kinda shit, or anything.. the whole point for me to be with a woman is to BE WITH A WOMAN.. so i keep talking to him anyway, pretending that i think that is cool.. and over all he is the most normal guy i talked to.. so he gets off, and hangs up, phew, one down 200 more to go..LOL... so the next guy calls.. and he actually has a nice voice, so that is going well, and i'm talking about sucking him off, and he's saying how much he loves GIVING blow jobs... now, i DO NOT get off seeing guys together... but being the phone ho that i am, i go with it, that is until he starts saying how he would love to um, how do i say this.. relieve um certain um body waste on me.. of course not exactly worded like that.. and i'm not just talking about a "golden shower" at that point i almost hung up, and i couldn't fake enjoying that, so i changed the subject, and a few minutes later, i was free of him, at that point, i logged off to take a shower.. worked up some more nerve to continue for the night.. and thank god i got some decent calls after that.. and then i got the what i feel must be the biggest freak in the world.. he is talking to me about tying me up... which is all good with me, i like getting freaky, and i love the whole pleasure/pain thing... i could go into detail, but this isn't about my freakish-ness, so i'm fine until he goes into detail.. all i'm saying is it involves um severe violence, knives, whips(which is cool when done "lovingly", not the way this guy was talking about) and then he proceeded to say that the only way he can get off is to strangle the girl he is fuckin... um i was skurred... i wanted to tell him that he didn't need to be calling me, he needed a fuckin therapist, or to be hauled off for that shit.. i'm serious if he isn't already a violent sex "offender" as they call them these days, he will be.. at that point i decided that if i did that much longer i wouldn't be able to have fun gettin it on anymore... i would be terrified that any guy i was with would be like one of those the other hand.. they might have just been voicing things that they REALLY wanted to do, but who knows... i love sex and refuse to let freaks like that ruin it for me... so now everyone knows why i had to quit... up till that night i had enjoyed it... most of the guys i had were alright.. but it must have been my night for terror...and i just couldn't deal... oh well, i have priorities, and dammit, i'd rather wait tables than have some freak ruin my sex life... well i must go now... what a wonderful life i lead... huh?

12:48 a.m. - 2003-02-09


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