aura-chic's Diaryland Diary


um i have no title for this crap...

wow, another day at work gone by.. i only worked the lunch shift, and of course i'm still in training... i "followed" one girl today, and i really like her, she was very nice, and she is pretty damn funny.. her name is chantel... i basically played her shadow for the day, which is a basic thing in training.. but the only thing i need to learn is the menu, and what comes with what.. stuff like that.. i mean i waited tables for 3 years for cryin out loud, and i sat and listened patiently while she went over serving basics with me, until one girl that was standing nearby asked what my name was and if i had ever served before, and i said, well i did for 3 years at the Olive Garden, and so the girl was like, oh damn, then you know what yer doing.. and we all laffed, and she moved on to showing me how to use their computer system. so blah blah blah.. i go back in the morning and will be following the same girl... which is cool... but i swear that kitchen there is so small and the doors into the dining area are so narrow that you can barely get one person thru them, let alone someone carrying a tray. anyway. enough about work... but in 2 days i have put in about 20 hours of work... not bad.. ok no really enough about work.

if any of you that read this has seen the crackheads entry about that racist girl, you may have checked out her page, and seen what i put in her guest book.. i admit that it may have been harsh, but i have a serious problem with people that are ignorant, and choose to talk about things that they really don't know anything about, and she "revised" her entry, which is all fine and good, it's her diary, i didn't say it to get her to change it... everyone is entitled to his or her own beliefs and there is a little thing in the constitution that allows us to speak our minds... i don't know if she changed her entry because she was scared to stand up for herself, or if she truly saw that it was wrong. i hope the latter is true. the only way there will ever be peace in this world is if everyone can be tolerant, and educated about different cultures, and learn to look beyond skin color and focus on the fact that we are all human beings. i guess that there will always be ignorance, and poverty, and stupidity. i wish there was some way to change that... maybe there is.. i just don't know what it is. and i'm sorry if anyone thinks that i was harsh on that girl, but i'm not sorry that i said it. and yes it is her diary, and she can say whatever she wants to, but does that mean that i can't say what i feel, and try to correct someone for being wrong.. and obviously i wasn't the only one who thought that she was wrong. i have never been able to sit back quietly when someone is dissing people because of their skin color or their culture. the girl left a message in my guest book saying that she revised her entry and tried to make it right, and i appreciate that, but it doesn't mean that i automatically forgive her for ever saying it. my sister and i frequently disagree on things like politics and things like that, but though we rarely ever see eye to eye, i still respect her because she stands behind what she believes. and it is that girl's diary... she can say whatever she feels like, just the same if she doesn't like what we wrote in her guest book she can delete it. but whatever. toodles!!!

4:20 p.m. - 2003-02-05


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