aura-chic's Diaryland Diary


Sleep, and weird ass dreams

ugh...while i'm truly elated that i'm gonna be visiting my sister tomorrow, (too lazy to link right now) i don't particularly wanna get up at the crack of dawn to leave. my mother has informed me that we will be leaving by 7 am..and i look at her like she is crazy.. but whatever...looks like i'm up for the night..when i lay down at night it better be for more than about 9 hours..because it doesn't matter what i'm doing in the morning...i will sleep through it...this has been my curse for my entire life. when i had two jobs and i had to be at the first one at 6 in the morning...managing a deli... i had to walk the 2 and 1/2 miles every day to get there cuz i had no car. when i was done working there, i would walk around the corner and work at a grocery store as a bookkeeper until midnight...then i would walk home.. and stay up.... i think i went about a year without really sleeping... except on sunday... that was my one and only day off..and i slept the whole 24 hours of it..and start my week again.. but enough about that...i just wanted to demonstrate for you what i mean when i say i cannot go to sleep for only a few hours at a time...

speaking of sleep..i fell asleep this afternoon.. my total sleep hours today totalling somewhere around 13 hours...and i had the WEIRDEST dream..i can't describe all of it it was way too long for that but who in the hell has a dream about their former boss's fiance... i guess i do...haha..and no it was not sexual in nature AT ALL. it was just weird..i mean the dream was takin a turn for the worse anyway when every single one of my ex roommates showed up somewhere or other in it. i have like 8 total. but i actually felt myself jump back when i saw the fiance of my former boss...i mean he's an awesome guy..great drinkin buddy and all.. but really....i could just see Amy (boss) coming to beat my ass somewhere in the dream...but then later in the dream there's Amy, and she ain't beatin my ass...we're drinkin......oh well it was damn funny. i guess i should call her and tell her about it..a sign that i should get back in touch with her...we were pretty good friends...... i was one of the few she actually liked. and that's an accomplishment...oh well..i gotta go pack a few bags for my mom so we can head out as soon as she gets home from work. buh bye!!! ttfn!!:)

10:04 p.m. - 2003-01-12


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