aura-chic's Diaryland Diary


crazy sis

i would just like to give mention to the fact that the one night (last night) i decide to go to bed early, someone has to call after midnight. so i wake up, panicked that it's some kind of emergency, my mother has hurt herself at work, or something of the sort. no instead it's my sister calling from the hog plant. she was bored and wondering why i hadn't responded to the 3 emails she sent me while at work. well a good reason as to why i wouldn't respond would be, hmmmm death, taking a shower, or the novel concept of resting. see i'm not feeling well so i'm not working. and i'm not gonna stay up all night if i'm not feeling well. my first reaction to getting sick is to sleep. for some reason, sleeping will cure almost anything i may happen to come down with. i don't eat, i don't drink, i just sleep. for days i'll sleep. *note: anyone that knows me realizes that i have no problem sleeping for large amounts of time* so anyway, i answer the phone and i've just about killed myself doing so, and she's like, um what are you doing. so i tell her and she's like "why?" like i have to have a reason to sleep. i'm just expected to be awake at all times. like it's wrong for me to sleep.

hehehe anyway. and there is this mouse that has been traumatizing her like she can't catch the thing. i can just see her now. up on the couch, screaming because of the damn mouse. and the cat looking at her like she's some kind of moron. ah the joys of my family. they are all just as crazy. tho' some aren't as entertaining about it as she is. i guess that's why i love her. well that's all i got for now. i'll have something more later. my bunny slippers will be talkin to me shortly

6:54 p.m. - 2002-12-21


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