aura-chic's Diaryland Diary


working in bunny slippers, and my friends the crickets

my sister says it's time for me to update. like the entry i made 12 hours ago, tellin y'all about her cat isn't enough for her. but i'm warning everyone. anyone with a weak stomach DO NOT read her latest entry, about the hog plant.

man, there is nothing better than, on a working day being able to sit back with a cup of coffee, writing about, well nothing right now. hell i'm going to wal mart later. working from home has it's perks man. i can make like 20 dollars an hour to sit in my pajamas, with my bunny slippers on talking to freaks all night. hehe. the downside i suppose is that i'm becoming a hermit. i was once such an outgoing party girl, who loved to be around all types of people. now it's a chore just to go to the store. *sigh* i guess i will get out of the house sometime. i figure as long as i have my good buddy Jose with me i'll be fine.

my apartment seems to have a cricket problem. i know it is supposedly bad luck to kill a cricket indoors, but at first i would just throw them outside, but after awhile, I just started killing them. because the more you throw out the more come back. so at this point i'm killing at least 5 crickets an hour. it's nothing like waking up in the middle of the night (day in my case) to a screaching cricket. and you can never find it when it's making that awful racket. so i kill them before they can start. thank god it's getting colder, so they are disappearing. it's funny because spiders don't bother me. if i see a spider, i just ignore it. they usually keep to themselves. now if it was a cockroach problem i would be moving out. those bastards can keep where ever they're living. i would hate to interrupt their life. when i was young we lived in this house and basically the cockroaches were "letting" us stay there. uugggggggghhhhh. have you ever been chased by a cockroach that you have just attempted to kill??? well i have. or awakened one morning with one crawling on your face??? well i have. and i'm still scarred by it. hell if my hair brushes my face the wrong way in my sleep i have to jump up and take a damn shower. ewwwwwwwww! it was so gross.

well that was about all the material i could come up with for now. give me a while i'm sure something will happen at wal mart that is worth a mention. hehe. ttfn:)

10:13 a.m. - 2002-12-20


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