aura-chic's Diaryland Diary


I'm back.

HELLO DiaryLand! It's been a little over 5 years since I posted anything here.
Thought I'd come back and look around at what I wrote about my life back then. I'm not sure if I will keep the older posts, or not. I have a vote from an old friend to keep them. He's awesome, so go check him out, and leave some love for him.

I guess I should try to sum up the last 5 years.. that may be difficult. The last 5 years has held a broken heart, a mind numbing job, lots of failed relationships, the close call where I thought I was going to lose my mom way too soon, my own near death experience, users, posers, lovers, friends, loss of friends that include a friend from high school, that I had lost touch with, who was murdered last year. And so many other things that if I covered everything this blog wouldn't end for oh about 5 years. So I will start slow. Maybe I will cover it all eventually.

I'll start with a reoccuring theme in my posts. "The cop" Real name, Mike, we had a decent relationship that was based on common interests. One common interest in particular. To put it out there, I fell in love with him against my better judgement. In 2005 (the year we learned mom had a brain aneurysm and was going to need surgery) after a few years of our on again off again crap, I called him the week we found out about mom, and really needed to be comforted and instead he tells me he is marrying someone else. Mind you we were "on" at this point. I was furious, and he made it worse by saying, call me and let me know how your mom is. I was heartbroken, but I was so busy with mom that I didn't have time to really deal with it and get over him. We remained on friendly terms and we'd call or text on birthdays and holidays. That was that. Until a cpl of years ago. He began calling or messaging me more often, guessed it... sex. SO, suffice it to say he's still in the picture. Not in the picture quite how he wants to be, but there none the less. My not getting over him has been the cause of all the failed relationships. How to fix this issue I'm not entirely sure. That's the deal with him, and my broken heart. Mom on the other hand is doing well. She came out of the surgery just fine.. with a splitting headache, but alive and kicking. She was told that she would be in the hospital for about 6-10 weeks, and in ICU for 3 of those weeks. She woke up from surgery and wanted out of the hospital true to form. She was in ICU for 23 hours, in a private room for 6 days, and home on the 7th day after surgery. A little shaky on the walking thing but overall she was fine. The surgery was on August 23rd 2005, she was back at work at the end of November. Oh yeah, and let's not forget the rock concert we went to in October! Mom is so awesome.

Ok, that's all of the past stuff I'm going to write about.

I was facebook chatting with the friend I mentioned above this morning, and I heard an obnoxious honking horn outside. It kept on for a few minutes so I looked out, and there was a short bus in front of my house! I thought NOOO they're coming for me.. they won't give up! Seriously though, the bus stayed there for like 8 minutes honking continuously and all I could think was damn, those kids really don't need any more attention drawn to them.

That is all for today.


9:35 a.m. - 2010-02-12


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