aura-chic's Diaryland Diary


it's been a while...

I have been enjoying my few days off.. last week I had Wednesday and Thursday off.. and mostly I just slept.. I had been suffering from an ear, throat and sinus infection.. see the thing with me is I can't just have one.. I have to have it all.. haha.. I was worried like hell that it would all move into my lungs like it always does.. it did but luckily it was all mild enough for my immune system to handle on it's own.. without a 3000 dollar visit to the emergency room like what happened last April. So thankfully my work week of over 55 hours didn't hinder my getting well process.. Thursday I finally peeled myself off of the couch to get a few things done.. like putting a new tire on my car.. so now I have good tires.. and good brakes.. I had to go into work on Friday, so I could have the weekend off.. and as soon as I left Saturday morning, I drove to my Mom's house because I haven't seen her in a while.. so here I sit at Mom's. She's napping right now.. which sounds really good to me!! It's nice to sleep in a real bed.. which mine is here.. and I really enjoyed my visit with it yesterday.. I slept most of the night with my mom.. I know how very childish of me.. but I can't resist.. Just so everyone knows. I have a great relationship with my mother.. we spent years apart from each other.. and this last year has been all about us making up for lost time... unfortunately my job keeps me away from her too much. I am one of the lucky ones in this world, I have a wonderful Mom, I honestly don't know what I would do without her.

We went to lunch this afternoon, and then shopping for a little while.. I know.. all the excitement.. haha... it was nice though.. I'm enjoying the fact that I don't have to go back to work until Tuesday night...

I'm sitting here thinking about a close friend of mine... I'm a little worried about him.. he's having a rough time right now.. and I'm trying to think of some way I can help him.. And then I think of what happened the last time I helped someone.. I ended up losing my apartment, my car, everything... I know that he won't do that to me.. but still.. you get burned once, you tend to rethink things.. if you're smart about it anyway. If I helped in the way that he needs it the most.. it would mean HUGE changes in my life.. finding a new job (in this job market) moving.. and I don't know if I'm up for it.. I know that he doesn't expect me to do this.. It would be so very weird for us.. commitment in the way that I'm not sure either of us are ready for.. including his son..(it's help with his son that he needs most, he works a lot.. and a lot of nights it's hard to find someone to watch him) I KNOW that I need to straighten my life out first... yet I still find myself struggling with this.. why I ask? WHY??? (no really don't answer that) I guess I'll figure something out..

Wow this has been a pretty boring entry.. sorry.. see why I haven't updated in a while.. well that's what's been going on in my life..

5:43 p.m. - 2003-10-05


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