aura-chic's Diaryland Diary


misc. crap

hey i go two days without updating, and now i'm updating twice in one night. haha.. i'm funny like that..

well.. i'd like to say that i'm tired of doin this seesaw crap everytime i talk to the cop.. it's like one day he's hot for me and the next.. he's so not.. i can't figure it out.. he's worse than a woman.. one day he's bein a bitch.. the next night he's all funny and cool.. maybe he's raggin... hahaha.. either way.. i'm just taking it as it comes.. but there is only so much i will put up with. i'm just hoping that i won't have any huge news in the next couple of weeks.. ~slaps self on forehead~ that's going to be a bomb to drop.. maybe i won't drop it.. LOL.. top secret mission.. haha.. i'm so crazy.. yes i know.. i wonder what he's gonna say about me being a brunette again.. i like it.. for now.. in a few days i'll probably hate it.. and do my damndest to change it.. i mean after all it is my natural color.. of course i'm going to hate what i was born with. i have been a red head for almost half of my life.. i started with the bottle early.. and no i don't mean likker.. that came a little later.. ;)anyway he is going on vacation AGAIN.. left tonight.. i'm sure he'll have a great time..

mom's ex.. the russian guy, showed up at her work the other night.. caused a scene.. then called the house this morning.. and mom talked to him.. and then after he said he wouldn't tell her what to do anymore he asked her to come to lunch and she said she had me and my sister at the house and she was going to spend the day with us, and he started yelling that she just didn't want to see him and she had too much freedom and "they" had to fix that. and what did she do? she hung up on him!! YAY.. then he called back and my sister picked up the phone and hung it back up.. double YAY so we spent the day going here and there.. and then came home and played cards for a while.. so that was my day.. not too eventful but i had a good time..

9:58 p.m. - 2003-04-01


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