aura-chic's Diaryland Diary


not exactly the way i like to spend my saturdays

well we're getting a "surprise inspection" by our family members.. you know the kind.. give us a few hours notice that they will be here when mom gets off work.. i will be at work.. thanks for that.. i will have to remember to lock my bedroom.. my family has a tendancy to be a little nosy.. and then guess who pops up this morning.. the russian.. without so much as a phone call or anything.. he wakes mom up at 5 this morning. and then she leaves for work giving me the task to get rid of him and clean the house before i go to work.. the house is clean.. and i'm wasting time before i shower and get ready for work.. i think the russian misunderstood me when i told him that i was having company and needed to be alone to clean. i think he means that it's ok for him to come back in a little while.. it's all good if i have to i'll do a rush job on my make up and head to work early.. not like i couldn't use the money.. and then the house will be all locked up and no way for him to get in.. unless he goes to pester my mother at work for her key to the front door.. which i hope that she won't give him.. maybe i should call her and tell her not to cave.. but whatever.. now i'm all worn out from cleaning. dammit.. i forgot the bathroom..just needs a little straightening up.. shouldn't take me too long.. i'll do it when i get out of the shower.. otherwise the house is sparkling clean.. well minus the dust that i didn't bother to clean.. there's no point.. it's like 5 minutes after dusting it looks just like it did before.. even when i vacuum the crap.. but whatever..they'll just have to deal with a dusty house.. i have to work and don't want to spend my entire afternoon cleaning up for them.. last time i checked we don't pop in on them unexpected, meaning other than holidays, and complain about their housecleaning skills.. and we won't go there.. trust me you don't want me to. i'm so annoyed right now.. i just want to relax.. and as much as i love my family i hope that they don't get any big ideas of coming in to the restaurant i work at.. i'll be stressed enough without having them try to talk to me.. i really do love them.. but sometimes they just don't get it.. you know.. and the three that are showing up have a tendancy to do their best to embarrass the hell out of us. acting like people that just escaped from the mental hospital.. ask my sister about that.. and i will be the first to ignore them until they act like normal people.. well as close as they can get.. i mean this is my family we're talkin about.

damn i didn't realize how dish detergent can dry your hands really bad.. my hands feel like sandpaper.. i guess that just adds more to my getting ready for work.. ugh.. i have had 3 days off, and i really don't wanna go back in.. i'd like to just sit here for another week.. then maybe go back.. haha.. yeah i'll be poor and have no car, no insurance.. so on and so forth.. but whatever.. i gotta go make myself look somewhat respectable.. if that's possible.. toodles...

1:26 p.m. - 2003-03-01


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