aura-chic's Diaryland Diary


so very bored....

i really have nothing to say, other than the fact that i'm at home once again on a friday night, how boring can one person get? i mean really. i should be out with friends... but of course all my friends live 2 hours away. and i'm not about to drive that much just to turn around and come back so i can go to work in the morning.. which i don't think that i will be working anyway, i have to call one of the managers tonight and make sure, but i didn't want to go anywhere until i was sure that i wasn't gonna have to work if you know what i mean.. so i'm just going to sit back and do nothing for a few hours, maybe have a few drinks. so that's just another part of my boring life. oh well.. let's see... nothing else to say... but i will say that some parts of my job are really cool... as long as we have something to cover our work shirts we can sit at the bar and have a drink after work.. now that is just cool shit... and i certainly took part in that seeing as this was my first day of serving on my own.. which wasn't the original plan but they were so short staffed this morning that they asked me to serve.. over all it went well.. i need to work on learning their computer, and learning the menu.. but i can swing that part... "yeah that's great" even tho i have no idea what's on it, or what it tastes like... ok... i must be goin... seeing as i have nothing interesting to talk about... toodles :)!!!

10:04 p.m. - 2003-02-07


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