aura-chic's Diaryland Diary


my intro

damn, know the username sucks and all but it was the best i could do. been up all night, drunk for half of it. so i think i did alright considering.

well, i'm a little frustrated with my wonderful life. (note sarcasm) for 3 long tedious years i held down a shitty job, waiting tables in a very very corporate restaurant, the Olive Garden, *gasp* not them, it was an alright job. an upstanding job, and stressful was the big thing. if you have ever waited tables you kind of find patience you didn't think was possible in any human being. some people like to run you for things just to watch you go. it's like some sick twisted game. and then you have managers telling you to hurry but to offer wine like a million times a second, and to get everyone the hell out. shit like that. the wine thing always pissed me off. they didn't quite get the hint, not everyone drinks. sure we may all be alcoholics, but not all of these people are. let me tell you, if you have ever been in a restaurant near closing time, you have seen the mad dash to the bars of the town. every night, not just weekends. if you happen to get in the way of the stampeding, you could be seriously hurt. and as we all sit in the bar, being loud, drunk and curiously the entire population of customers in the bar were wearing the same damn thing. nothing like drunken kareoke after a hard night. if only i had had a camcorder. oh what i would give. but you know the greatest thing about working there, was we were all perverts. everyone had dirty minds. i mean we worked right on top of each other, all night, the kitchen was small. so were the drink stations. so we figured why not have a great time. i'm suprised no one got sued. now that i have moved and have managed to find another job, i'm thankful, so thankful for all that practice in the arts of perversion. because guess what everyone, yes, i'm a phone sex girl now. you know those commercials you see late at night, well yes world that's me. well, i'm not the only one anyway. hell i figure a dirty mind is a terrible thing to waste. why not get paid for it. :) if you have read any of ncrebel21's diary you might have heard about me. yes, she may not want to admit it, i'm her sister. not the one living with her. i might add. and in case you hadn't figured she's the writing genius of the family, i'm just the one with adhd. no really i am. well ttfn. check in again for the adventures in phone sex. :P

1:13 p.m. - 2002-12-18


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